Supporting our communities

Supporting our communities


Read our latest updates on staying connected throughout 2020, whether that's at work or in general life. We focus on how communities can adapt, and the ways in which you can help your colleagues, and vice versa. We're here to help you provide much-needed support to get through the difficult times and thrive as we head through the year. 

2021 latest news


Mother and child crafting together



Rainy day activities for all the family to enjoy


It wouldn’t be a proper British summer without a few rainy days, would it? So, when the showers start, it’s time to get the creative juices flowing. Here are a few activities that you can get stuck in to - and get the kids involved too!

Woman and child saving compostable food from kitchen



6 ways to create an environmentally friendly garden


There are many steps that we can all take to help protect our environment, such as recycling more, printing less and choosing greener travel options to name a few. However, we can even go one step further and look at ways that we can help to protect our green community through caring for the green space that is right on our doorstep. 

Selection of indoor plans in jars



Introducing indoor plants to your home


Research suggests that the greatest benefits of indoor plants are through wellbeing and productivity improvement. Introducing some leafy friends to our indoor lives can also help to give our day-to-day actions a life-giving and nurturing purpose. Here’s just a few ways that you can help to bring the joy of nature into your home.

Man wearing mask for covid-19



How has COVID-19 affected our health, communities and the NHS?

It’s no surprise that our survey revealed that 2020 has had a major impact on people’s attitudes to their health, with 1 in 5 Brits admitting the pandemic encouraged them to take better care of their health/lifestyle. Find out how COVID-19 has influenced their 2021 New Year Resolutions.

Lady running with weights to focus on health goals



A health revolution: focusing on our long-term health goals


Events over the past year have changed our psychological mindsets, which has impacted our personal goals. Jo Hemmings, Behavioural Psychologist, shares her five top tips for keeping health resolutions..

The charities we support


Support Sported with us

Support Sported with us


Sported is helping young people facing disadvantage get active, by keeping youth sports clubs open. We’re proud to be working in partnership with them, to greater impact on the health of the lives of the people they support.

Supporting Diabetes UK

We're supporting Diabetes UK


We’re committed to helping people access the healthcare they need. Diabetes UK enables people to access the help and support they need by phone, website and webchat, providing reassurance at a worrying time.

Supporting Mind and Unity across Hampshire



Lending a hand to Mind and Unity


See how our donations are helping those who need support across the south while we make our way through social distancing and lockdown.

Your work community


Help your teams work from home



Help your teams work from home


We, along with every business, have looked at what we can do to help our employees during this period and here we share with you a few thoughts and suggestions, completely appreciating that these won’t be right for all businesses.

Carer pushing her mum in a wheelchair



How to support employees who are carers


Three ways your business can support employees who are carers as well. It's not easy for them, but there is help out there. 

employee on a video call with his team



Supporting your employees through COVID-19 and beyond


Your employees need you during this difficult time, and you can help them. We discuss easing financial worries and promoting physical health.


The Redundancy & Career Support Hub

Helping our customers through redundancy and career changes, and into the new future


An icon showing the support for someone going through redundancy


A toolkit with advice and tips to help you stand out from the crowd and grab the next job opportunity with both hands. From building your brand to CV writing, we’ve got you covered. 


We also spoke with Marketing manager Ben Sellers to get his experiences with redundancy and we have job search guidance from one of our Talent specialists.