Healthy ways to work from home

Blog Article | By Simplyhealth & Liggy Webb 7 April 2020

Working from home took off with lockdown. The commute got a lot shorter. And offices were set up wherever there was space. We've since adapted to this 'new normal', but there are still challenges. The type of challenges that could easily impact our mental and physical health, like burnout, lack of social interaction, and reduced exercise. 

That's where this article comes in.

We sat down with award-winning author and human resilience thought-leader Liggy Webb to take on those challenges. To discover the best ways of staying both physically and mentally healthy if you're spending more time at home.

But before we get into advice from Liggy, we've got a home video from England Rugby Sevens star Heather Fisher that we absolutely love. Heather spent lockdown at home with her parents, encouraging them to get up and about at every opportunity. If you're struggling to motivate yourself, we hope you find a little inspiration:

The 10 tips to stay healthy at home


1. Wake up with an attitude of gratitude

Before you reach for your phone or get out of bed, just spend a few moments reflecting on what you are grateful for in your life. Various studies have shown that having an appreciative mindset can have a powerful effect on the way you perceive your reality and, ultimately, the way you deal with what is going on around you.

That could be easier said than done if you're struggling to get a good nights sleep. If that's you, it's worth checking out our sleep support area. You'll find a list of what can help or hinder your sleep, what you can do about it yourself, and ideas on how to sleep better


2. Embrace the day

Get up and get going. It’s not a good idea to start your working day while you are still in bed, so get washed and dressed, and take pride in your appearance, even if you aren’t going to see anyone.


3. Morning exercise

Did you know exercise encourages a healthy mind? Why not start the day by going for a walk, jog, or bike ride. If you prefer to keep it indoors, especially if it's dark and wet, you can find exercises online to follow. We've got a couple of options to get you started:


4. Structure your day

With so much turbulence, it's really beneficial for your mental health to establish a routine. This helps you embed good habits and behaviours. Structure your day by creating a plan with timed activities such as meals, relaxation breaks, and check-ins with work, family, and friends.


5. Limit your news intake

If you look at bad news, make sure you actively seek out something positive as well, so that you create a healthy balance of what else is going on around you.

Also, limit yourself to the number of times you check the news.


6. Let the laughter in

Find things that make you laugh, laughter is a great stress reliever. Connect with someone who's uplifting, watch a comedy show or spend a few minutes watching something funny to provide distraction and give you a boost.


7. Nourish yourself well

Being stuck at home can lead to boredom because of the lack of variety in your life, so it could be easy to overeat and spend time fridge-gazing. Sugary snacks and caffeine may give you a quick fix, but in excess, they are bad for your health both physically and mentally. Avoid snacking but, if you do want something, prepare small portions of chopped fruit or vegetables so you always have some healthy food nearby.

We sat down with nutritionist Monica Durigon to understand more about eating well to stay healthy, including where to get the right vitamins, and how to boost your immune system. 


8. Drink water

Basic but all too easily forgotten. By keeping hydrated you will feel more alert and energised. There are lots of delicious herbal teas available and these will also add to your recommended quota of around six to eight glasses a day.


9. Stay connected

Humans are social creatures and thrive by feeling connected to others. Technologies provide you with so many different ways to communicate, so reach out and start some positive conversations today.

Want to learn a bit more? We've got an article on how friendships can boost your mental wellbeing, they're worth making the effort for. 


10. Learn something new every day

You may find you have more free time on your hands, so use it wisely. This is the perfect time to try out new things and keep your mind fresh and stimulated. By being creative you will have the opportunity to explore, discover, learn and grow.

Ever given yoga a try? Now's your chance! This is a taster session with yoga teacher and wellness warrior Annie Clarke: Yoga at home. It's been designed for all levels, including beginners, so jump on in. 

A man stretching at his desk whilst working from home

Working from home more often? Make sure your environment is set up for success


We look at the best ways to create an effective homeworking set-up, from chair choice to daily stretches. We also share what you need to consider when it comes to your posture, and why you need to keep active throughout the day.


The Healthy Living Hub, has been created so you can access a range of articles and tips    

to help you focus on your health and wellbeing in 2021.

Working from home not working for you?

Whether it's your physical health or stress and anxiety that's causing a few troubles, a 1-2-3 Health Plan can be there for you.

Prices start from £10 a month and all plans include 24/7 access to NHS-practising GPs and counselling support services.