A photograph of Liggy Webb

Meet Liggy Webb

An award-winning and bestselling author, presenter, and international consultant.


Liggy Webb is the founding director of The Learning Architect, an international consortium of behavioural skills specialists. She is recognised as a thought leader on human resilience and works with a wide range of businesses focusing on optimising potential through continual learning and behavioural agility. 


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Liggy has worked with organisations such as the BBC, NHS, Macmillan Cancer Support, Sainsbury’s, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations and various public and private sector organisations, charities, and universities.


Liggy believes that the diversity of her clients has provided her with tremendous insight into the many and varied challenges that people currently face in a rapidly changing and often volatile world.


She has written over twenty-five books on a variety of life skills that support wellbeing. The guiding principles of her book on resilience through change have recently been televised for a series with the BBC world service.

Liggy Webb Ebook Illustration

Ebooks with a purpose


Liggy has written a series of ebooks in collaboration with Simplyhealth. The aim? To help your mental wellbeing grow in 2020 and beyond. Click the links to download them. If you want to read more on the topics, there are links to her articles further down the page.  


How we can deal with anxiety during stressful times


Adapting to change


Why being at home is the chance to reset your habits

Some of Liggy Webb's articles for Simplyhealth


Man opening his curtains as he resets his habits

How to reset your habits


Liggy explains why lockdown may be the perfect chance to reset your habits, out with the old, in with the new.  

Anxious lady laughing with her friends

10 tips to cope with anxiety


Anxiety is going to be on the rise but we can get through it. Learn how to manage anxiety with Liggy's tips. 

Mum and daughter home-schooling together

How you can build resilience to change


Liggy Webb shares ten ways we can all manage change in this uncertain world, taking the positives and building resilience.