Group Administration
Group policyholders
If your health cover has been provided by your employer or other body, then chances are you're what we call a group policyholder.
All our policies are different and it is important that you refer to your policy document for more information on your policy. Your policy document will tell you how to claim, what is and is not covered under your policy, and how to add partners or children to your policy.
Are you a Group Secretary?
We want to help you manage your group policy as simply as possible. So, we aim to keep your administrative involvement to a minimum.
If you have been nominated by your company to act as a Group Secretary, we can tell you about administering your group and what happens when members leave your group. You may want to know how your employees add partners and children.
Administering your group
As a Group Secretary we ask you, where appropriate, to:
Forward application forms from employees joining the group to us
Forward any payment
Distribute policy documentation to employees
Tell us when employees leave the group
To safeguard confidentiality we deal directly with employees over their claims.
Adding partners or children
Family cover explained
If an employer chooses family cover this means employees can include their partner and any number of unmarried dependant children under the age of 21, or 24 if they are in full time education.
Any family members included on the employee's policy must be resident in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
Are you an employee?
Health cover for employees
Your company has nominated a Group Secretary to administer your group policy. They will be able to tell you if your partner and children can be covered on your policy.
If your group policy does not cover partners or children you may be able to add them at your own expense.
Leaving a group
If you are due to leave your group policy you may want to apply for a Simply Personal Health policy.
Already a customer?
Visit our businesses page to find the right contact for your enquiry.